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We all have dreams, no matter how small.  Each of our dreams asks us, “How are you going to achieve me? At what cost?” The cost could be the time, energy, sacrifice, courage and most importantly, money.
Money is not only essential in the pursuit of our dreams but it is a requirement.

If only we knew that some dreams will not be achieved and cannot be achieved without money, we would not be abusing faith.
The philosopher who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes in the Holy Bible discovered that, “Laughter and bread go together, and wine gives sparkle to life - but it is money that makes the world go around.” (Chapter 10:19 – The Message version). Knowing what money can do for us is one thing and knowing ‘how’ to make it is another. 

If only we knew how to make money, our world would go around.
In the previous article, we were introduced to the second ‘If Only’ we say to ourselves after being given new knowledge.
New knowledge from Pastor Emmanuel Ogbechie who discovered the ‘Physics of Money’ made me admit, “If only I knew about the physics of money earlier in my life, I would be rich by now.”
Money can fuel our dreams, fasten together our personal values and level the ground for our legacy.


Pastor Ogbechie discovered that money moves, whether towards us or away from us. We see this movement every day. We either receive money or give it to someone else.
When one boards a bus from home to town, for instance, one gives the bus conductor some money we know as bus fare.
Also, if one is driving a car, at some point he will visit a filling station where he will give up money. To gain something, we have to give up money.
All the same, to gain money we have to give up something.

In the introduction, our dreams were imagined asking us, “How are you going to achieve me? At what cost?”
This takes us to Pastor Ogbechie’s discovery that, “Everybody sells something!” Through exploring the Physics of Money, he came to the conclusion that, “Everybody sells something and it does not matter what you are selling, what matters is that money moves through sales. To move money you must find something to sell. Selling more will increase the volume of money moving towards you,”
“To eradicate global poverty,” he notes, “Poor nations and people need to think of what to sell or how to sell more of what they are already selling.”

This statement gives someone who calls himself ‘poor’ a chance to ‘refresh’ his mind. The label ‘poor’ scares him so much that he runs for his dear life; far from it as he can.
Knowledge of who we are and what we are capable of achieving fuels our dreams. From today, you must know that you are a seller.
You are capable of selling something that will earn you money to sponsor your dreams. Being the sponsor of your own dream enables you to develop good personal values which when fastened together, makes you the wise and fruitful person you wish to be.


As one tries to find what he can sell in exchange for money, it is very important that he avoids as much as possible not to sell what is irreplaceable.
By now I am sure your mind is reminding you of the irreplaceable things you have already lost as well as those you are never to lose.
What we are willing to give up in order to gain money should not be what will make us regret one day.

One of the most important principles taught by Pastor Ogbechie is that of ‘Time sellers’. He defines time sellers as those people who work for organisations. “They sell eight hours daily for five days a week, which gives them their monthly salary. They may call themselves accountants, secretaries, lawyers, etc.
“The fact is that they are actually selling their time.
“There are 24 hours of the day; if selling eight hours gives you a certain amount, you can find avenues to sell more time,” he recommends.
To illustrate how employees sell to their employers, he gives an example of 10 employees working eight hours a day.

The 10 workers make a total of 80 hours per day and 400 hours per week which the employer has at his disposal.
In short, the employees sell 80 hours to the employer per day and these hours earn them money.

The example underlines the principle that, ‘Everybody sells something’.
Find something to sell too. To get more money, sell more of what you are selling! In this way, you will raise money to fund your dream, in the process leveling the ground for your legacy. If you master these principles, your world will go round.

Lwazi Dlamini

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