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It was quite interesting reading the article about the eviction of Nomsa Nkomo (nee Hlophe ) last Sunday.
Doesn’t the prime minister ever have enough?

I remember some years ago when he declared how much he was worth before the Integrity Commission.
It is also interesting to note that instead of the prime minister going to ask for land from a chief as a Swazi, he goes and buys Swazi Nation Land (SNL).

This is something controversial as we all know that legally, SNL is not for sale.
So, it is surprising that someone of the prime minister’s position could do such, especially when we know he is a man of means and thus he could have obtained land in the urban area and thus avoid this negative publicity.

Having looked at all that, we are also surprised that we are given conflicting statements as to why the police were in the area on this particular day and whether or not an eviction order was there other than the area’s Headman, Zizwe Mamba, being there. We do not hear anything being said by the chief of the area and his reaction to what is taking place in his chiefdom.

Unless some answers are given on some of these actions, we are bound as the public to think that the prime minister might have used his position in order to have the help of the police.

We all know the Swazi police put fear into so many people and therefore, Nomsa had no leg to stand on.
Also we have to remember that the police fall under the Prime Minister’s Office.

Lastly, was it in order to have the scarce personnel in the form of the police being involved in this personal matter against an unarmed woman?
Also, what do we say about the government truck that was used?
Where was Bhantshana when all this was taking place?

Did all these vehicles have permits to be in KaBhudla on this particular day?
I think the public needs to be given answers to such questions as this is taxpayers’ money.

I guess it is the case of the talents in the Bible: those who had more, more will be given to them.
In today’s language, if you can afford to buy or pay for something, chances are, you might get it for nothing. In other words, have it for free or provided for by the State.
Hopefully, we will have a response in the print media soon.


Comments (1 posted):

sting on 09/03/2014 04:32:30
Bashise,those are the questions we all have as a Nation but lokubuhlungu no one is going to answer the questions you are posing,uyatihhamula nje.May i also defend Mr Bhantshana,i personally dont blame him for not being there to arrest those who were abusing government vehicles on the said day ngobe ngaskhuluma usejele nyalo for doing his job.

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