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Kindly afford me some space in you widely read news paper. This letter is directed to pastors, apostles, bishops etc. The so called ‘men of the hour’. The ‘popular’ pastors of the moment. Those who are boasting of ‘high listenership’ of their programmes. The ‘anti – deliverance ministers’.

When God raises a man he always gives him a specific message. Therefore, every ‘true’ messenger of God has a specific message which he/ she has been sent to deliver to the people of God.
In the Bible, Abraham was a symbol of faith, Moses was a deliverer, Ezekiel a watchman, John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way of the Lord, Paul was raised to preach the message of the cross to the Gentiles.
If you’ve lost your message then the best thing is to go back to the one who sent you and retrieve your message, than to start criticising other men of God.

We will not stop attending this man’s services. ‘Uyasisita kakhulu’. In fact he does what most of the pastors have failed to do. He has helped a lot of us break curses eminyaka. Over and above, he has taught us how to access the ‘spiritual realm’ (not to rely on the Pastor) and fight and possess our possession. For the first time in our lives we are seeing an acceleration and to others a leap for the better in all areas of our lives. E.g. Spiritual, finances, healing of the physical body and healing in relationships. I, for one, have been ushered into my destiny through the anointing of this man.

Some of these pastors are complaining that he is flooding all the media houses. Let me tell you a secret about this man of God. He has a message and ‘iyaphutfuma’. Every cent that comes to his hand is directed to the work of God. While some Pastors are enriching themselves and building their empires, this humbled man of God is concerned about the dying souls out there. Some of these pastors desperately need the anointing of this man as of yesterday.

Another thing about this ‘down to earth’ servant of God is, he has never changed his message. God has called him to help his people out of the bondage of witchcraft. We know that some of the pastors claim they cannot be bewitched (which is good for them), but as for us ‘loluntfu’ we have not reached that ‘rank’ in the spirit and therefore we really need help, realising the fact that we live in Africa where witchcraft is the foundation.

I have nothing much against these men of God, save for the fact that I am just pleading with them to leave this ‘man of God’ alone before they lose focus and start preaching what God has not sent them to preach. If you do not have a revelation about something it’s better not to say anything than go on and on about something that you are clueless about.

To you man of God, you have not sent me to do this and I know for a fact that you will never retaliate to any accusations made against you. Just ride on because surely Jesus is on your side.
To the people of God out there, whatever you pastors preach, in the end ‘lesicatfulo siviwa nguwe kutsi sishisa kanganani.’
Thank you, Mr Editor

Zandile Shabalala

Comments (3 posted):

ALICE KUNENE on 21/05/2014 16:23:45
it is indeed surprising to have people criticising instead of focusing in what they can do best.
Apostle and MaMApostle T Lukhele focus in God's Call and ignore what people are saying.
You are a blessing and I have never seen people like you in this century labatidzela kangaka. sengatsi iNkhoi lepha emandla inganivikela nemndeni wenu kanye nemsebenti wonkhe-GOD IS ABLE.
Nqaba Mdluli on 27/05/2014 11:31:02
sukazi sandile prince on 22/08/2014 21:01:33
siyabangamela_siyaphakama_bayasha.God Is Able to heal,delever,restore and to make you prosper.Kundzabuka tibopho letimatima.

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