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I have learnt my lesson

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You’ve got it September K. Make wa Mvelo did alight from that bus. But eish… ntsanga yetfu, it wasn’t that easy for me because I had to wait at the local bus station from eleven in the morning to sunset last Thursday. But she didn’t show up.

It was the same thing on Friday the next day. She finally showed up on the Saturday, the day I will forever cherish in my life. Make wa Mveli is back!
But she has changed. Her mood has changed. She is no longer that sweet loquacious girl who would talk and laugh a lot. Now she seems reserved and withdrawn. She no longer wants to do the cleaning and the washing she used to do for me. She also refuses to make love.

But I don’t blame her at all. I blame myself for all the reasons. I changed her with what I did to her. I hurt her deeply. She has always been the perfect woman, and I couldn’t stand losing her again. So I will tolerate everything she is at the moment. I know she will loosen up eventually when she realises how serious I’ve become about our love.

She has also made it clear that we will both have to screen ourselves before she considers going into the kraal for our traditional marriage.
I am only too happy to oblige. I am not worried at all about the outcome of my status because I did the most sensible thing and protected myself during Primrose and Ntobeko’s time.

I am happy to abide by the conditions she has laid down for me. In fact I am very excited to have her back in my life. I have learnt my lesson, and I will never again deviate from this natural beauty of a soil. The saying that ‘we never appreciate the shadow of a tree until it’s been cut down’ is true.
This experience has made me think about how we men aught to appreciate the good women in our lives. But the thing is, most of the time we don’t seem to recognise the important role they play in our lives. I got that experience with make wa Mvelo, and I have made a resolution to remind her everyday of her importance in my life.  I shudder to think what would have happened had she not come back to me. Make wa Mvelo, I just want you to know how important you are to me. I nearly lost you because of my foolishness.


This tree of true nature was almost cut down from my life, just because I was too blind to see. This is the kind of mistakes we men do. We take our girlfriends and wives for granted, and we treat them as if it’s their duty to do the things they do every day for us.

Nowadays it’s very rare to find women of such calibre. Most of them are not wife material. But the funny thing is when we find the true women; we look down upon them, and continue chasing after the Jezebels. Thank you again for coming back to me Make wa Mvelo. Never again will I kiss the dawn without your picture on my mind. I urge you to do the same thing ntsanga yetfu. Imagine life without that special woman next to you. You are very lucky!

Kabasa Dlamini

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