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When will Gege have Swazi Television?

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A constituency of 11 chiefdoms is without important things to one’s life. I am talking about Gege constituency. Places like Magubheleni, Ngodvwane, Dinga, Mtsebeni, Gege to name a few are without Swazi TV and this has been the case for several years now.

Indeed when we are saying we are celebrating 20 years of development struggle, we mean it. As citizens of this country we deserve to have the basic services. We are always far behind in everything at Gege.

Editor, we appeal to Swazi TV authorities to recognise this because we believe it is very important to us, we always miss important news.  As a result our children do not even know the chairman of the CPA Swaziland branch. They cannot tell because they cannot see him.  Our children need to know what the important people of this country look like so when they learn about them they have an idea of what they are talking about. We thought those we elected will try to do something on this but that hasn’t been the case to this point.


Instead we have been forced to adapt to the situation. It is sad that we have to go through this even though we said we have an MP. When you talk of development, you talk of this; no development has seen its way to our constituency and this is sad really.

Editor, we always ask ourselves as to how are some constituencies manage to cope? Like bringing development to the rural areas. Apart from all this, I heard that the station is encouraging the viewers to pay the TV licence, they can also benefit out of this. We need Swazi TV as Gege constituency.

Ronnie Dlamini

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