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A woman for our time!

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As a person who has bigger dreams for the country, I wish that all the women who have been nominated have lots of acumen. I am happy that in some constituencies there are women who have been nominated and I hope they are women with dignity and will work for the betterment of the nation at large.

To all those who will make it to Parliament take this as your daily bread: ‘Every time I do anything meaningful I accomplish a goal’. Never allow yourself to be responsible for a ‘blame’ but be responsible for a ‘job well done’.

If you have the ability and tactics to change your family for the better, what will stop you from changing or doing well for your constituency and the country as a whole? Absolutely nothing. Women are sometimes overlooked, which is why this short message is directed to them. All the women in our time, particularly those deserving, need uplifting. Do good it shall follow you!

Mangaliso Smanga Shongwe

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