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Characteristics of a Good Leader

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May I kindly share about the quality of leaders voters should strive to choose and vote for.

This article will focus on what qualities, among others (based on Scripture) should we look for in those people nomina-ted for leadership in civil governments.
The below-stated qualities are imperative as some of the attributes needed in people who will lead others- be it in politics, religion, work-place etc.
I hope those of us involved in voting for future civil leaders in the next government, will take heed of this advice and choose leaders who will best serve the interests of their constituencies and not vote for leaders who will go to Parliament etc, to serve their own interests, enrich themselves and forget the interests of the people who voted them into power!

‘Some of us are ‘natural leaders’ and some are ‘natural followers or subordinates’. However, all of us have been given leadership in some area.
Parents have the God-given responsibility to lead their children.

Even if you are not an owner or manager at work, you might have some people or tasks that you are assigned to take the lead. Most of us change roles depending on the situation.
When you talk to your boss, you are in the role of subordinate. When you talk with your team or unit, you are the leader. Regardless, we all have worked with leaders. 

Solomon was the King of Israel. Proverbs is his book of ‘leadership wisdom’.
In Proverbs, he is teaching young, potential religious and political leaders the wisdom that God gave him as king.
Through studying Proverbs, we can learn to make good decisions in leadership.
 Read Proverbs 25:1-5.

The word ‘king’ is used five times in Chapter 25 and over 30 times in the entire book of Proverbs.
In Proverbs, Solomon acknowledges the following:
l God is greater than the King (or leader).

l God knows the wisdom of the universe and all wisdom is found in Him.
l God reveals his wisdom to the kings (or leaders) who search for it.
l The king (or leader) is subordinate to God.

l The king’s (leader’s) role is to fear God - that is, discern His wisdom and rely on His power.
l The king’s (or leader’s) role is tied to God’s sovereignty, and his ability to make godly, wise decisions.
None of us are kings and most of us have never lived in a monarchy. However, we do experience being a leader - or working with a leader - almost on a daily basis.

The principles in Proverbs regarding leaders applies to many areas of our life - home, church, government, and work. The attitudes and wisdom that made a good King in 1000 B.C, also make a good 21st century leader. Let’s look at kings, leaders, and rulers first and then make the connection to the times when we are leaders.

When we are the leader, too often we concentrate on our rights, our power, and who is on our side. It is natural to assume that God is on our side. But what side is God really on?

The Bible teaches us to focus on:
l Responsibility not rights
l Service not power
l Obedience not taking sides
Let’s let Solomon’s teaching motivate us to grow and improve as a leader.
of a good leader
1. Wisdom
2. Integrity
3. Love
4. Seeks Good Advisers
5. Self Control
6. Awareness of his influence
7. Compassion
8. No Need for Public Approval
9. Moderation
10. Submission to God
As my parting shot, I say to all voters: May all voters in the coming elections please choose wisely and vote for people who will follow Godly ways, people who will serve God’s interests first and the interests of their fellow citizens second and never forget that “All shall stand before the judgement seat of Christ to give an account for the deeds done in the body.”. I Cor. 5:10.

Alex Nxumalo

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