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Why are patients sent home to die?

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 Thank you for allowing me space in your newspaper. As a human being, I think people must respect our dignity as writers.
In the past I have written about issue of sick people who are just sent home to die because government hospitals do not have the drugs for their treatment. Some of them have been in hospital for some years.

Their conditions do not improve. They are on medication. Others are constantly monitored but their conditions do not change.
Some people get worse day after day, I cannot put in words how hurt their families feel.
Others are struggling financially, but what is our government doing to help them rather than sending them home to die.

The shortages of drugs in our government hospitals are responsible for the deteriorating health of our people.   Health facilities are under pressure, and patients are forced to sleep at their homesteads even when they would be better off in hospital.
What is our government doing about the plight of poor Swazi citizens who cannot afford high medical fees? These are Swazi taxpayers, and they have done something good for our economy.


This is a challenge to the coming cabinet. Many patients cannot afford to pay for their medical bills because they do not have jobs so the mandate for the new government should be the creation of decent jobs for the Swazi people.

We have many poor people dying from various diseases because they have no access to the expensive medication required to treat their conditions. It is very painful because these people are Swazis and we must not turn a blind eye to these issues. So, what is it that our government is doing for its people? Their lives need saving too.
EMB Dlamini,

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