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Too many wrongs with this cabinet in place

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The Cabinet, before they vacating office, compiled a report to show what they have done in the past five years.

Most of these achievements were development projects then were they development officers instead of being politicians to address political issues?
Besides that, the report was biased or one sided. They only reported about good things; what about the bad things or failures? Could it be that they were campaigning to be re-instated to power?

Why did they give EBC and committees 10 per cent salary increments? I still fail to understand the motive behind such a move. Why do you give an increment to people who already earn too much?

What are the bad things that were left out in the report? There are many but I will mention those that had the country talking and these are; the reversal of the vote of no confidence; the land grab saga; the CPA saga; the disappearance of E80 million per month; the E28 million jet deposit; the disappearance of the E10 million in the Tourism Trust Fund; the declaration by some that they were above the law or constitution; the flouting of the constitution; the failure to listen to IMF instructions; the buying of cars worth E400 million while Swazis are starving and last but not least; government’s failure to unban TUCOSWA and political parties to contest in free and fair elections.
All the mentioned ills took place in a space of five years. The electorate does not need failures.

Peter Sibeko,

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