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Please keep the land safe for our children

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I am a resident of Nhlangano and desperately need to bring two concerns to your attention. First, the reason the old  SUB (Swaziland United Bakeries) was removed from operating in the town centre was that their trucks blocked up the main street and became a hindrance to the businesses along the main street.

But sadly with SUB’s removal from town another problem has cropped up. Logging trucks park in the street overnight which is not good for the road or the town.

To the selfish drivers/owners of these trucks, please park your trucks at your homes, not the main street.
Secondly, we have a car spares business in town that has a growing bush mechanic population that conducts its business outside this shop. They are usually readily available to see to the concerns of car owners.

The problem with this situation is that the whole area surrounding this spares business is a total mess.


Car engine oil is drained and not collected for proper disposal but left to flow in the streets.
 All manner of used spares are just left in the street.
The whole area has become a health hazard and this is certainly not something we want to keep as a legacy for our children. Surely they deserve better!

I can put my head on a block and bet these bush mechanics are not licensed to operate where they are
There is also another mechanic who operates on the same street as the provident flats and his projects litter the street on both sides.
Scrap cars lie idle on the pavement sometimes blocking entrances to business and residential properties.

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