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Parliament activities will be interesting from 2013

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In previous years, the laws looked lax in regard to a legislator committing a crime of fraud or related crime, but this time around things will be different.

The authorities of the land have woken up from a slumber to be spot on in trying to fasten the screws of the law. As for the Election Bills Section 89, that was passed by the joint houses of Parliament, more people will be trapped by this clause.

We have had MP’s who are in Parliament and had cases pending in the courts; these clauses spell doom for them in case they want to contest in the 2013 elections. It will mean that their cases will resume and be treated as a matter of urgency. This is very serious and these legislators need to think twice because shortly afterwards their constituencies will be holding elections again if they are sent to jail.

The authorities of the land have been pronouncing that they want people who are ‘God-fearing’. So now I can see they mean business, with the current Prime Minister at the helm of government we are to witness unusual things happening in our country. We have seen some legislators colluding with business people to defraud government in their constituencies and the allocation of funds in constituencies leaves a lot to be desired. People will now be cautious and this will discourage the losses of government funds at Tinkhundla centres.

Surely, it will be interesting to watch Swazi politics this coming five years onwards. If the current Prime Minister is not appointed again, ‘Labadzala’ will definitely appoint an equally brave man to lead government. I believe this because they had said that people should elect or vote for people who have integrity.

My plea to voters is that they should not nominate someone who has a current criminal charge because the courts will soon be deliberating on his or her case.

Mr Editor, the message is loud and clear; why should they vote for someone who will soon be frequenting the courts and eventually be disqualified within a year or so? I rest my case.

Mandla Mavuso,
Pigg’s Peak

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