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I recently read in this publication that a Member of Parliament (MP) asked the minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation why the nation was getting closer to the Russian Federation. The minister gave a very diplomatic and intelligent answer. Kudos to the minister for that. While it troubles me that an MP is not paying attention to global politics that affect us directly, I am glad that the minister seems to be updated on such matters. The country, as a neighbour and ally of South Africa, a member of the BRICS bloc, should consider joining the bloc as virtually all trade is happening between the two countries. This will increase trade considerably. I will try to give a clear comparison between the US and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation; and why Eswatini should get in on the action.


As a neutral observer, it’s important to acknowledge that every country has its own interests and values in foreign affairs. However, when it comes to the United States’ (US) involvement in other countries’ affairs, it’s hard to ignore the negative impact of their interventions. The US’s history of meddling in foreign countries’ affairs is long and well-documented. From coups in Iran and Guatemala, to the Vietnam war, the US has often taken actions that have had disastrous consequences for the people of those countries. The US has been involved in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, among others, that have destabilised those regions and caused untold suffering for millions of people.


What’s particularly troubling about the US’s approach to foreign affairs is that it often claims to be acting in the interest of democracy and freedom, yet its actions frequently undermine those very ideals. The US’s support for authoritarian regimes in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, as well as its role in coups against democratically-elected governments, is a clear example of this hypocrisy. In contrast, China and Russia have positioned themselves as champions of resistance against US and Western imperialism and neocolonialism. The BRICS bloc, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has become a symbol of the global South’s pushback against the Western-dominated world order. The bloc is committed to creating a multipolar world that recognises the diversity of cultures and values, rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all approach. There are several reasons why Eswatini should consider joining the BRICS bloc. First, the bloc represents a powerful force for challenging Western hegemony in the global economy. By joining, Eswatini can gain access to a larger market and diversify its trading partners, reducing its dependence on Western markets.

Secondly, the BRICS countries are committed to promoting sustainable development and addressing global challenges such as climate change. By working together, Eswatini can benefit from the knowledge and expertise of other countries in the bloc to address its own development challenges. Thirdly, by aligning with China and Russia, Eswatini can position itself as a leader in the global south and gain a greater voice in international affairs. As the global power balance shifts, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the traditional Western-dominated order is giving way to a more multipolar world. By joining the BRICS bloc, Eswatini can position itself to be a part of this new order and help shape the world.  I hope the Maseyisini MP reads this to better understand why the country should position itself in a place of development, instead of remaining a victim of neocolonialism by the US and the West.

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