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Have you ever wondered why our present-day Christians lack the ability to make proper decisions, which in turn affect their future? Did you know that the Lord has freely given His children the gift to see in the future? Are we all supposed to operate in the office of the prophetic you may be wondering? No! But we have been granted by the heavens a spiritual privilege to see beyond our present time zones and either see or live in times to come.  


The Lord promised to share with His servants every move He is undertaking; yes remember God operates in the realm of eternity. This means He is not limited by the human time zones nor restricted by our daily calculations of the rising and setting of the sun. It is a fact though that we are not all called into the office of prophecy but the Lord also requires every spiritual person (Christian) to have the gift of prophecy. Having the gift of prophecy means you can operate and have dominion in the realm of the spirit, being able to live in a higher dimension. Having a mind that is in sync with the mind of God, which automatically means you see as far as the Lord sees. Even the level of your hearing is at a higher dimension, at this dimension you are able to hear God’s messages and voice clearly when directed to you.


Operating in such a dimension means your level of consciousness rises and you are well aware of your spiritual surroundings. This makes it easy for you to recognise the move the heavens make, which usually comes in the form of signs, with the hope that earthly beings would take note of them and act accordingly. In Matthew 24: 33 Jesus speaks of being conscious of the end times and being able to recognise the signs thereof. The conclusion I derive from this verse is that if we operate with the gift of prophecy, we will be able to easily feel and see the move of heaven and be well aware of the season we are in; being able to see what these signs mean about our future and the dangers that come with our decisions and how we are supposed to react in times of trouble.

So, I guess that means the Lord has been constantly communicating with us (present generation) as well but maybe for some reason we have ignored Him. We only think that the gift of prophecy is for those operating in the office of the prophetic. We are, however, quick to knock at God’s door whenever we are entangled by the snares of the devil (troubles).

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