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Kindly allow me space in your widely read publication to vent out my view concerning the one-sided perception of gender-based violence (GBV). It hurts to the bone marrow to realise how the word gender-based violence has been twisted, revealing men as being vicious, ferocious and otherwise. If a man is abused, it is just an everyday occurrence, actually, I bet even law enforcers can ignore that man ,in case that man reports the matter.


Are men not human? I ponder! No one takes time to scrutinise why men perform this type of degenerate acts of femicide, when will the time come for a male to be treated as mortals too? As an aspiring journalist, I took a quest into finding the causes of the spiraling femicide cases .In my quest, I met an inmate, who was charged with conspiracy, stalking and murdering his fiance, in my inquisition, he said; “The drive of the murder was shun upon, I blurred my confession, but it fell on deaf ears. I groaned inwardly, and kept quiet, from a stuck of hammer and tongs. I was quaking in ones boots because I knew I only had me and myself on my side.


I was told to man up, swallow my cries and take the consequences of my actions. Outbursts of anger emotions transpired while my heart sunk. It was hues and cries, but I had no courage to bluff it all out, I sobered between cries, I’m sorry, I’m remorseful! Unfortunately, the matter elapsed” After such a heartfelt conversation, I discovered that the so-called crude saying ‘indvodza ayikhali’ has wreacked havoc, it has done mainly us men wrong, turning us into, if I would invent a word, ‘pain keepers’.  I stand as a proud liSwati to say stop the stigmatisation of gender-based violence, because if that’s not done, the worst is yet to come.

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