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What message are we sending to the youth when you say ‘drink responsibly’? 

What we mean is do drink alcohol, but not too much yet we know that alcohol can destroy livers and relationships. We need individuals, families and communities to come together and help discourage the drinking of alcohol and we should not promote it.

Remember that long time ago, smoking was once thought to be a glamorous and harmless thing. 

How many people had to die before wisdom prevailed? 

Thereafter, it was discouraged and even banned in public places and, in particular, the advertising of it is prohibited. 

With all the sparkling water and fizzy juices, we no longer need alcoholic beverages.

Some people are unable to limit the booze which they consume and they end up stumbling through life. 

Is this good for our nation, noble youths, friends and neighbours? 

Like smoking, the use of alcohol will also fade, but how many lives will be destroyed before humanity frees itself. 

Think rationally and for better health purposes - you better avoid booze. 

I also believe that the advertising of alcohol should also be limited, especially on TV. 

commercial breaks

You find, in some instances, that you are watching a family show with the children at home, but when they go for commercial breaks, there will be four to five advertisements of liquor. 

The adverts are so glamorous that even the young children you are watching the show with are then tempted to live that life, which is being reflected as being very posh on TV. 

They always portray images of people being in a classy bar, a beautiful and sunny beach, you name it, it’s all there. 

They do not display the graphic pictures of people who have abused alcohol for so long that they lost their families. 

Some lose even their jobs and destroy relationships and families. 

The line saying ‘drink responsibly’ is really not good enough because it is such a repetitive message that no one really looks at what it means.  

All in all, I am grateful for the break we have received on the alcohol ban although one cannot guarantee that it has not been abused because it is readily available in the black market, which is another sector which government really needs to put under strict monitoring. 

As I sign off, I would encourage everyone to stay safe and prosper. 


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