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Some people are working just to have enough money to pay rent and transport. 

Everything else, in terms of food, clothing, healthcare, etc, is not guaranteed. 

Government’s money gauging tax policies have simply kicked a lot of people to curb. If you are not a politician, a bureaucrat, a wealthy businessmen or senior manager of some corporation, then you should be thinking of an exit strategy. 

South Africa has the luxury to wiggle around with different tax policies to meet different economic goals. 

At the same time, while the South African Government takes money from its citizens or consumers in the form of taxes, it is also not shy to give that money back to its citizens. 

child support

South Africa affords its citizens old age pensions, child support grants, care dependency grants, disability grants and cutting-edge public hospitals, among others. 

This is not to say South Africa is without challenges - it certainly has plenty, but at least the citizens in that country have a few guarantees that make their lives a little bit better. 

Here in Eswatini, government just takes money from its citizens and businesses and never gives back anything in return. 

Really, what guarantees do we get from our government? It always gets into a frenzy when it has to pay elderly grants and it has no scholarships for tertiary education, unless you are child of a senior government official or you are well-connected. 

If you get unlucky, (God forbid), and become really sick, needing medical specialists and specialised care, our public hospitals will only put you on a drip and start counting down hours to your death hour. 

And when people try to start their own businesses to take care of themselves, there are hurdles and obstacles of red tape to get through. In the process, people still have to grease the powers that be in making sure that their business licences go through. 

flush down

One thing is guaranteed in Eswatini; government will take your money, blow it and come back to dig in your pockets for more money to flush down the toilet. 

We will continue to get more soldiers, warders, and police even in the worst of times. Really, this pandemic has clearly revealed that we are victims of reckless government spending because it wastes money on useless things instead wasting money on healthcare infrastructure and equipment. 

People are dying like flies because of government’s reckless spending. We are tax victims here and something’s got to give. We cannot keep funding a hole that never fills or that does not take care of us. 


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