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The way education had been overlooked is afflictive and the fate of those who are now qualified is yet unknown because they are all jobless and loitering the streets. Subsequently, the consequences of education has been short-lived and people, especially those who spent a good quality time of sweat, hard work and sleepless nights in attempting to better their lives, are excruciatingly aggrieved.  I mean those who studied and shed tears in anguish because of the acuteness of their studies. Their families smiled eagerly knowing that eventually there will be light at the end of the tunnel. 


Nonetheless, what is transpiring in recent times does not tally with what they went to tertiary for. With much unused knowledge at their disposal my heart lacerates in great fear. 

Current students’ efforts to be educated might be in vain because unemployment is hitting hard even on those who are qualified. 

Some graduated many years ago but their faces are still covered with grief and sorrow because of not working. Not only are they a laughing stock in their communities but also their tongues mutter in dissatisfaction. 

Government should afford everybody with job opportunities in their various areas of study. Students must not study for the sake of scholarships yet at the end they won’t get employed. The true mark of creating job opportunities is the willingness to stick to a bold course of action.


 An unconventional business strategy, a unique product-development road map and a controversial marketing campaign, even if the world wonders why government is not marching with the status quo. We need everyone at work! Let the parents who suffered when paying school fees, tuition fees, accommodation fees and even bus fares enjoy the products of what they groomed. We are exigent for everyone to experience their desirable lifestyle instead of wandering from pillar to post trying to make ends meet.


Is there a need to even continue studying if the person who is a qualified nurse, teacher or any other profession will be forced to stay at home? Indeed this is a tragedy! Would it be wrong to say the future of our children is not in their hands? For God’s sake free the educated and qualified from their misery. 


Wakhe Simelane 

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