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As human beings we all possess the propensity to do wrong, and yet we must endeavour to pursue a life of integrity. We should actually not allow the spirit of deception to infect our minds and hearts, causing us to be self-deceived and drunk of our success to a point of neglecting issues of character, integrity, justice and equity. 

Individual dreams and visions have been aborted because of lack of character and integrity. Homes have been robbed of peace and joy due to lack of good character traits in family members. The nation is at its lowest politically, socially and economically because of lack of godly character in leaders and its citizens. 


A nation that aspires to achieve First World status must embrace qualities that sustain character and integrity at all levels. Character must start from leadership down to the citizenry. Integrity is moral soundness, honesty and freedom from corrupting influence or motive. The integrity of religious, political, business and social leaders is a requirement for national development. People of good character possess the trait of thinking carefully before acting or reacting to anything.


Great character is usually seen in the way we treat others and also in the way we use the resources at our disposal. Character and integrity demand that we treat all people, rich or poor, fairly. 

How we use our time and money usually exposes what kind of people we are. As a nation, how are we using our time and money? Every great nation is built by men and women of integrity. 

Gifts and talents only cannot sustain development. Character is actually the sum total of all the negative and positive qualities in our lives, exemplified by our thoughts, values, motivations, attitudes, feelings and actions. Andre Maurois said, “If you create an act, you create a habit. If you create a habit, you create a character. If you create a character, you create a destiny.” So true! 

A person of good character does not use his/her position to plunder national resources. Men or women of character do not use their positions to abuse others. A man of character treats his wife and children with honour and dignity. 

A man or woman of character obeys traffic rules and does not drink and drive. A man or woman of character exercises self-control.


Men and women of integrity don’t rejoice because of the fall of another person, instead they find ways of how to help that person. Character and integrity demand that we be unselfish, caring and loving. Men and women of character love the truth, stand for the truth and speak it. 

The nation is in need of people of integrity, people who are willing to pay the price for standing for the truth, because it is usually very costly to stand for what is right in today’s society. 

Decency, goodness, truthfulness and honesty have become a rare commodity. To achieve and sustain the desired First World status, we must all embrace integrity in whatever we do.



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