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I saw the title of this letter written somewhere in town and I therefore felt I should share it with you. 

This is likely because I have been there, seen that and done that.

I know the confusion, stress and disorder you have in your life when you are pretending to be somebody that you are not, and here comes the big question.

 Is it honestly worth it?

Well, in all this, I have learnt and realised that’s its preferably cuter to be yourself. You know, walking with your head high in those stilettos or rather wearing that expensive cologne knowing exactly that this is who I really am, makes you different from the rest.


What also makes you different from the rest is acknowledging that behind my every success, there’s pillars of strength,God, family and all well wishers. 

Remember those that never left your side in hard and trying times, those who encouraged you to rise up when you fell and those that told you ‘no its not the end of the road’ when you thought of suicide? Yes, appreciate their presence and give them credit for that, so you become different.

Living somebody else’s life is totally confusing. You do not only confuse the people around you, or the people that love you, you also confuse yourself. You seriously cannot be one soul and expect to live a double life.


I know how confusing it gets when you become a stranger to yourself, you cannot even recognise yourself in the mirror. 

And mostly, I know the pain of hearing the one person that loves you the most, who on this instance is my mother asking, ‘Nomalungelo who have you become?’ 


Just be your own kind of beautiful and embrace the fact that you are different. I once read something that said, ‘If you are loved by everybody then you have got a big problem’.  Somehow this is true but only if they’re ‘hating’ on you because of who you really are. 

Then there’s no regret. Otherwise I was also once told, ‘Let the people love you’. I really do not know how it’s done but I’m hoping to learn along the way, as I am about to be myself with, recognising my mistakes and learning from them because  everybody else is indeed taken.


Nomalungelo Msweli 

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