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Seasons have been all along changing on you, rain and hot weather has been doing as it pleases on you my dear Form Vs. You have been persistent and optimistic of your future. Remembering those days going to school, sometimes on an empty stomach, when there was nothing to eat.

 Remembering those days crossing the river when going to school, carrying those books which I can’t imagine how wet were they, when running from the rain without an umbrella.

In preschool, you had a dream to be a teacher, a doctor, a pilot or nurse, but today you got the chance to make the future for your children. Even though COVID-19 brought some disturbances at schools this year, I still believe you knew that drastic times call for drastic measures.

Shine Form Vs, shine! I wish you the best of luck as you are still writing your examinations. I believe you have been aspiring to get high marks, and I’m sure that your results next year will determine what you have all along been doing. 


Remember, your parents are optimistic to see you successful, even though they can’t tell you or show by their faces, nor telling you face-to-face that they love you. It would be a shame to attend school for more than a decade only to become a dangerous person in society with the education you have worked on for so many years. Remember, you are now in the last class, which most learners failed and quit.

May you be proud of yourself and just appreciate the profuse work you have done. Shine my beloved Form Vs, shine! You have run a long distance my friends.


You are just gold dust which has to be exposed to heat, and now to be exposed to fire in order to become pure gold. Don’t fear those challenges in front of you, just be glad they are pushing you to your purpose. All-in- all, this was to train you to become who you wanted to be. You have ran the race and now this is the time for me to say to you, “shine my beloved form Vs, shine !

Shine my beloved form Vs, shine!  Respect is the fundamental prerequisite to success. You should learn to grab blessings more than curses. 

And to those who will not make it, it won’t mark the end of the journey, but it will be the beginning of the journey. But all-in-all, I wish you good luck my beloved Form Vs. Shine Form Vs shine.


Hlongwane May


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