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A woman is a blessing to a man according to Genesis 2. The rib which God took from a man was used to give birth to a woman, and He brought her to man. And then Adam said, this creature is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman because she was taken out of a man. 

Our generation has changed such that women are now abused; globally the victims of domestic violence are overwhelmingly women. Women are also likelier than men to use intimate partner violence in self-defence. 


Many people do not recognise themselves as abusers or victims because they may consider their experiences as family conflicts that got out of control and children who live in a household with violence show psychological problems from an early age; problems such an avoidance, hyper-vigilance to threats and deregulated aggression, which may contribute to vicarious traumas. 

The abuse of women has left many of them as single mothers because peace of mind and freedom are better than a military relationship which is full of tears and grief. 


I met a lady and we started talking about life and when I mentioned relationships, she became emotional. And when I asked why she was crying, she told me how she wished to find a man with a sound mind and told me about her painful relationships. 

She even said she was done trusting men because they are not appreciative and are always not content with what they have. She said only a few men appreciate what they have, while others go for side chicks just because they are young. 

If only men were taught as much as women are taught and be well prepared before getting married, domestic violence would be reduced. 

A woman goes into marriage with a mindset of worshiping a man and that a man is always right regardless of anything because he is a provider and head of the house. From a young age girls are told to be submissive and as they grow older, they are told to be successful but not too successful otherwise men will feel threatened. When a woman is asked why she never reported being abused by her man, the response is usually that they were afraid of being left alone with bills to pay and children to look after. This is a sad reality. 


I was touched by the woman’s story and I told her that God put love in Adam and Adam loved Eve to the extent of listening to her and disobeyed his creator. Even today, men of our generation love their women and most relationships are admirable at the beginning until the lire throws in some little sugar but plenty of sand. 

Children and other close relatives are then caught in the crossfire that follows. Remember, Lucifer was made wonderfully and I believe equally loved but after his fall, no one thinks that he was loved. We are in this quagmire until this world is reborn but we will continue preaching against evil. 



Prester Salimu

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