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Confidence... with it one is unstoppable, without it they are nothing. Like most feelings, too much can be dangerous.

Anyways, today is a casual day. Our topic is confidence and what it means for the individual. 

Too much confidence though can be detrimental yet not destructive to the individual. A person carrying an exorbitant amount of confidence can be thought of as cocky, egoistic, narcissistic and even selfish.

Floyd Mayweather, who so far remains undefeated in boxing depending on how much money is on the table, says: “If you think about losing you will lose. I only think about winning, that’s why I’m the world champion.”

Mayweather has long been hailed as a boxing great and many of his opponents as well as those in his camp have attributed his success to his high work ethic.

What’s important to note here is that if you think of yourself as a champion, you will train, eat and play like one. You will not be swayed by opponents, haters or detractors as you will always look to you to rise above adversity.

Hard times will always be there no matter what. However, swimming with the tide will only degrade your worth. Confidence allows you to speak up for yourself, to fight towards attaining worthy ideals and to improve or change the status quo. 

I remember as a soccer coach, I’d watch hours of videos, subscribe to dozens of channels and even build a lot of the material we’d train with. 


Of course I’d also involve the rest of the team in some of the projects but this taught me about the winning mentality. 

We would still get beat sometimes no matter the preparation but we always stuck by each other... we were a machine. One giant collection of great minds fighting for success.

What we lacked we made up for with innovation and this helped bring us a lot of success and joy.

Confidence allows you to seek the absurd in order to attain what most people think is normal. 

The things you achieve most people do not achieve their entire lifetime. People dream of walking where you walk, doing what you do, not because they cannot but because they lack confidence.

The wearing of masks is a classic example of such. People always seek validation on themselves in terms of how they relate to others. This is called group thinking, where the collective whole is a sum of the parts.

Not so long ago it was normal to be without one, now it’s against the law not to regardless of the health hazards.

Whether it has been lent from a friend, clean or even of quality material is immaterial including how one wears it.

Once you are low on confidence even the things you found to be easy suddenly become hard... you second-guess yourself. 

Confidence will let you do and fight for what’s  right even if it lands you in hot water or better yet jail.



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