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As you are doubtless aware, many people – the industry, investors and ordinary citizens - are immensely dismayed by the decision to extend the alcohol ban to beyond the end of the State of Emergency!. 

While you again justify this by citing  ‘scientific evidence’ and ‘expert opinion’ that alcohol is a major contributor to the spread of COVID-19, numerous very reasonable requests to expand on these claims and spell out the said evidence and opinion have fallen on stony ground.

With respect kindly note, and please would you equally respect the intelligence of the people of this country, including industry and investors – not to mention the jobless, impoverished and those desperately trying to keep their businesses afloat –  often dipping into private resources, pensions and capital to do so, as well as to give their employees some relief.


Surely as a government you are concerned about the long-term negative impact of this ban, which are, inter alia:

l  Severely reduced tax revenue from SACU, alcohol sales and incomes with traders now closing shop.

l  The economy which will probably now not recover in many older people’s lifetimes;

l  The sheer human misery this is causing in unnecessary job losses, poverty and hunger. 

It is not a matter of personal opinion or the moral issue of alcohol (which should be a personal choice to be enjoyed responsibly by adults), but of sheer economics and humanity. 


Why ignore the figures which are there in black and white? Since the ban, COVID-19 cases have soared by some 4 000 in less than 2.5 months from just over 812 over the previous 3.5 months. 

You mention a two per cent death rate but is this strictly from COVID-19? Underlying causes are frequently cited and there is also the issue of HIV/AIDS that severely reduces immunity. It might be fair to say that in many cases, COVID-19 is the effect, not the cause!

However, we the citizens are left floundering in the dark because we simply don’t know, while the government spokesman has effectively said nothing. 

Rather than citing a somewhat unreasonable figure of achieving 50 active cases (based on which data?) please look at the reality. Recoveries now exceed active cases six-fold. The only way to get anywhere near government’s 50 objective is with strict policing of protocols:


Wear masks, observe social distancing (not possible on filled-to-capacity- buses), wash/sanitise hands and practise hygiene. Meanwhile, the impact of the continued alcohol ban goes well beyond the immediate industry – it affects tourism (with borders opening imminently!), hospitality, real estate (landlords not receiving rent) to name but some. The knock-on effect is indeed a great concern.


Yours respectfully, worried liSwati Citizen.

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