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All of us have expectations in life, spoken and unspoken. And sometimes things don’t usually turn out the way we expect them but, learning how to deal with the unexpected is one of the important things we need to practice.

When we plant seeds, we also expect an appropriate harvest. When we work hard we expect good results, however, life sometimes has a way of handing us the unexpected. Expectation is a powerful force because when our expectations do not come to pass, it can be devastating.

It is usually good to anticipate with confidence the fulfilment of goals, visions and dreams but then, what do you do when the unexpected happens? Positive expectation is that belief in how successful something we are doing will be.

A positive attitude is key to overcoming the unexpected setbacks that life sometimes brings our way. As we are approaching the end of this year, it is imperative that we examine our attitude in life, especially towards our families and relationships.
Wisdom demands that we have proper hindsight and foresight. When expectations are not fulfilled, it makes our hearts sick; disappointment, despair and depression then set in.

We must not allow temporary setbacks to define our future. If achievement did not happen this year, it may happen next year. Failed expectations are part of real life and they happen to all of us. We must stay focussed, persistent and determined.


In order to overcome failed expectations, we must realise that negative experiences are not really failure if we embrace them with a positive attitude and keep on trying.
We must not get discouraged, instead we must be persistent in achieving our dreams. Always realise that many of the setbacks originally designed to stop you, if properly handled, can be the very things that take you to the top.

We must also realise that failed expectations can be used to stir up the best in us and bring out the best out of our gifts and talents.
A negative experience is not necessarily a failure if through it we discover our true selves and consequently become better disciplined individuals and significant citizens.   

What we need to do is to be more prepared spiritually, mentally and emotionally this time around. Since opportunities come more than once, we must not allow failed expectations to blind us from new opportunities.

As a matter of fact, all of us have the power to determine the sacrifice, energy and time we are willing to put in to seize new opportunities.
Sometimes in life the unexpected erupts and our plans are disrupted with a negative bearing on our hopes. Failed expectations don’t mean the end of the world, or the end of the road of destiny.

Failed expectations or setbacks are not supposed to be defined as final; they actually may only be delays to help us plan and prepare well to seize the next opportunity. We must continue thinking big and expecting bigger.  


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