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In my many years of existence in this slowly dying but wealthy country, I have gathered that it has turned into a place of rich crooks. 

This country could easily be a gangsters’ paradise. The laws put in place to deal with wrongdoers are overlooked. 

Hence anyone running from the law in their country of residence can easily make home here. And my reason for this claim is the way our government does things.

For an ordinary liSwati, it has proven almost impossible to make it without kuganga of some sort. 

If you are not the son or daughter of zibanibani, you are doomed. 

Many emaSwati prefer making friends with foreigners than one of their own. 

And this makes me scared to death that we are being divided into sections of rich, poor and the poor but wishful. We are such a small country for that type of shenanigans. 

I have also realized that once you are poor in the country, you will never get out of that dire situation unless you become a wrongdoer and pray those you are never caught. 

What is sad is that when politicians leave the country on a quest to get assistance, they use the name of the poor. 

It always shocks me though that the donors are seemingly not bothered by what is happening. 


This makes me look at all of them as just one huge coalition. I mean where do all the donated funds disappear to because poverty is escalating almost on a daily basis? 

We see a lot of money come in but very little change. 

Our government is not serious and as a result it is failing us. 

Dreaming of making it in the country is fruitless as that dream will remain just that, a dream. 

This is just a thought from a poor liSwati who is on the verge of giving up because of the way things are done in the country as only the corrupt are making it. 



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