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I am worried, very worried. And after reading the story with the aforementioned headline, I became even more worried. Until we all take a stand that liquor does not define us as a nation, we are heading for disaster in this country.

The behaviour of many people in this country is very worrying. That there is an invisible threat to our lives as a nation is of no concern to other people. This is shocking really. Alcohol is being used as a form of entertainment in most family settings with no regard paid to the lessons being passed on to our children.

Whether we are talking about birthday parties, funerals and family functions, alcohol is never in short supply. Talking about children’s parties; who on earth came up with the idea of having a braai with booze at such events? Why can’t we just have parents drop off their children, go back home and return to fetch them later?

It is shocking that some people in the queue were prepared to spend E2 500 and E4 988 on alcohol for themselves. This is truly ridiculous and scary to realise that people have reached such a high level of alcohol abuse. I pity their families.

I know that in Eswatini the abuse of alcohol has brought in a lot of revenue for our government but this is at the expense of a healthy nation. Family feuds have happened due to someone committing an evil act and blaming it on being drunk. Children and women have been raped as a result of alcohol. Nowadays people imbibe alcohol with individuals who are as young as their children. No wonder we hear of fights where the older ones have either been insulted or beaten up by young people.

I wonder how many of us have seen how our young men and women, who are the so-called educated, have quickly aged due to alcohol abuse. You would be forgiven for thinking that some of those young ladies already have many children or thinking that they are 10 years older than they really are. So please think long and hard before you buy liquor for your next family celebration or before you take a sip of that poison. If we continue to glorify liquor then we are finished as a nation.

Concerned citizen

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