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Throughout history, humans have sought power through manipulation and transforming things in space, that is, the world of matter.
We have conquered nature, created advanced machines, built huge economies and large cities. Unfortunately this has been done at the expense of our sense of time. When life becomes about doing and acquiring, we lose grip of what really matters.

What has happened recently, the advent of COVID-19, and the global lockdown, the frustration people are going through has shown us how as human beings we have been absorbed into the world of material things. People are not used to the idea of not doing and acquiring. Hence it is difficult to appreciate time because we live in a world of material things. However, we can still learn to appreciate time and see the greater reality behind matter.


Set aside a day in your life to honour God and rest from doing and acquiring. The idea of a day of rest may seem old fashioned but it is ideal for us to learn the importance and the meaning of life. Shops trade seven days a week, and are open until late in the night. Why should we stop for anything? There is always pressure for us to be doing something 24/7.

It took God six days to make the world and on the seventh day He rested, pleased with what He had created. On this day was created menuha in Hebrew stillness and peace.

The Sabbath is, therefore, a place of still waters that soothe the soul, it is a different atmosphere that envelops those who celebrate it.
Six days a week we wrestle with the world, wringing profit from the earth, but on Sabbath we should care for the seed of eternity planted in the soul.
Without this window of eternity we can become economic robots so tied up into getting ahead in this life and as a result we forget our place in the cosmic scheme. Shalom!

Mandla Shabangu

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