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Please allow me to express my view on how our government is failing the people of this country. A lot has been said about the country’s current financial position and I would love to echo those who said we must have seen it coming.

We do not just have people who have the understanding and better interpretation of the trends in the national economy but we also have those who have been placed in charge of the national purse.

We also have others who I believe are better informed on the country’s finances but I want to believe that there are key and influential people who decide on the budgeting and spending of the country.


It surprises me that, despite all the advantage we had with the key people in place but in a short space of time we have committed ourselves to so many responsibilities which I would say are politically good but lack an economical mindset.
I would say the decision of the country to provide social grants and free primary education at the same time, looking at the cost of each, it was not economically informed, but it was politically acceptable.

Apart from all the other responsibilities, government is now faced with the mammoth task of fighting the spread of COVID-19.
This is a task that would probably have been easy to deal with had government not allowed the wasteful spending over a long period.

Had government been prudent in its spending, it would have all the necessary equipment needed to fight this pandemic. This pandemic has brought to the fore the need to spend our money wisely, and have something in our reserves ready and waiting for such situations.


We are living in an era of climate change where anything is possible. Capacitating the health sector is of great importance.
Mr Editor, there is a lot that one can point out on how our government has failed the country but I hope the picture is now clear.
I want to challenge our government to make economically informed decisions especially for the future of the country.

Phasi Dlamini

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