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Dear Madam Editor!

 I grew up knowing that the United States of America was the world’s leading democratic country. Even though I was always concerned with the way blacks were ill treated and segregated, but, generally, admired the way the Americans were  carrying out their politics.

This was to be further cemented in my mind when I eventually studied history in high school, where we read about the founding principles of that nation.
In previous weeks, I had written about remembering the late Dr Martin Luther King Jnr and his commitment to an America in which the colour of one’s skin played no part in determining what that person can do; but that the best of what an individual could do was to be the determining aspect. He called that as having a ‘dream’.

Previous administrations in the United States of America, over the years , have tried to live according to the ‘dream’ Dr Martin Luther King Jnr, and many others with whom he marched in demand for these rights, which were long established in the country’s constitution but denied by a section of the white population, mainly from the South of the country; simply because of racism and the fact that part of the country had solely depended on black slavery for its prosperity.


But, over the years, the struggles for equality were soon to be rewarded when President John F Kennedy came into office and began addressing the cries of the marchers; although he himself was to be soon assassinated for having pushed the reforms he had done.

However, notwithstanding most of these setbacks, America had continued to impress me, especially when it came to matters of promoting democratic governance. I was also privileged in that in the jobs I had to do during my career, most of them facilitated my visits for study in the United States of America.
Be it my time while I worked for Coca Cola, or when I joined the Board of the then Federation of Swaziland Employers, representing the wholesale, retail and trade  sector, which made the Board choose that I joined the Labour Advisory Board, which received a sponsorship for a study trip to the United States of America in  1989, where we were exposed to sound labour practices in democratic countries, a study which saw us staying close to nine weeks, most of these in Florida, Miami.

Of course I was to once again visit the United States in 1998 when I was already working for the Employers’ Federation, representing local business in discussing the possibility of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which had been pushed to the United States Government by the African American Entrepreneurial group, which had pushed President Clinton to improve what was  known as GSP and replace with   AGOA in order to promote economic growth in Africa.


During all these years, America was a nation to look up to for progress and development, until 2016; when the candidate who won  by over three (3) million votes lost out  to the one with only forty 46% votes through the confused system of  the ‘electoral college’.  It has turned out that this candidate was catapulted into office by Russia’s President Putin in order to weaken the influence of the United States of America in the world.

Therefore, that last week Friday, the whole world watched in great shock when the Republican dominated Senate voted against bringing witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Who would have ever imagined such a thing happening in the United States of America? At least not me.
Therefore, we in Africa must look to what South Africa did on February 2,1990 - choosing constructive negotiations against military solution.

Let us look into what the current prime minister of Ethiopia did soon after taking power; pursue dialogue with Eritrea and achieve peace and good neighbourliness with a country they had been at war for decades with. Whether  the people of  the United States of America shall rise to rescue their country following the Republican Senate’s  acquittal of  Donald Trump on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 is a question we all pray could happen. The rescue shall come through having rejected the president from being returned to power.
Only if the people of the United States of America vote Trump out of office can America regain her lost influence in the world.

Thank you Madam Editor.
mhlophe @ me.com   

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