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We read because we want to feel the power of imagination. We want to gain the ability and skill of critical thinking. We want to gain knowledge – we want to know now, what we didn’t know a few seconds ago; a few minutes ago; a few days ago.

We want to stare at ignorance deep into the eyes and say, ‘you can’t keep destroying us’. We want to bury the darkness of ignorance; to get to the finish line and actually win. We want to be better today than we were yesterday; better tomorrow than we are today. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and feed our minds with that which will give good yields when the time comes.


We need to plant, today, seeds which will bear good fruits tomorrow. We need to do this for the rest of our kind. Our kind must have our fruits and get life. Hence, it is our burden to train ourselves. It is our obligation to keep going; to keep reading. To keep learning about things we can actually put into practice, as well as those we can get great ideas from.

My dear brothers and sisters, it is our cross to carry to shun negativity in all possible ways. Our generation is counting on us. Our future generations are counting on us.


We read to gain understanding and know how to be of service to God’s people. Through reading, we have learned a lot. We have learned how to destroy and how to establish, to fix. We have learned how to be selfless.  The facts, truths, mysteries - all those reside in the pages. And it is only by sacrificing time through making a decision to turn those pages and harvest all that was meant for you to harvest then use it productively that we find these out.

The light inside of you is too bright, but it is more like a seed, planted. This means it needs to be provided with all necessary requirements in order for it to germinate and grow into a beautiful plant. Your mind, too, needs to be provided with all necessary requirements and any negativity is lethal weed that needs to be forked out of it. Why do we read again? We need to make way for the light inside of us to shine as bright as it’s supposed to.

Kunene Nelly

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