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Never has governing been made so easy but governments still struggle with governance. We need to be saved from ourselves! Isn’t it surprising that some nations still struggle with governance in an era where the likes of the UN have it all made for member States and leaders in terms of how they should be governing their people? I mean, leaders go to these conferences,  be it SADC, UN and others to be given the development agenda for the world and their countries, and all they need to do upon return is implement and report back on those strategies. I mean, member States have the job half done for them already, and all they need to do is allocate resources for implementation of those strategies.


For instance, when it comes to the economy and matters of the fiscus, we seem hell-bent on defying logic, in that advice given to us by institutions like IMF are seemingly treated with contempt as our extravagance gets the better of us. I mean, we all knew that the haste in settling with labour unions, and the gratuitous award of salary increments to politicians was going to land us in financial dire straits.


We pulled all stops to impress at the SADC Summit, and we succeeded, but that has landed us in the financial quagmire we are in today. However, had we listened to the IMF we would not be where we are today. Zimbabwe did not get into their current financial crisis because of naivety, but because of not heeding advice of some of these institutions. And if we continue in this path, we will quickly catch up with Zimbabwe. And it would be such a shame when we have such support from these international bodies and institutions giving us worthwhile advice.


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