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The Constitution of the country gives the right to life and that no one can be deprived of this right by anyone or means intentionally except in execution of a court sentence.

This means everyone has a responsibility not to end another’s life intentionally except when executing a lawful order of the court after being sentenced for a criminal offence.

Do we still have respect for the sanctity of life? Is government not taking life for granted by failing to deal with the challenges faced by the health sector?


Does it consider the lives that might have been lost as a result of this issue? Is it not in this way depriving people of their right to life, yet we are enjoined by the Constitution to uphold and defend its provisions?

I am fully aware that the country does not have money but is government doing its outmost best to rid itself of this health crisis? The way this crisis is being handled is a clear message that government is depriving a majority of people of their right to life.


Its seriousness in protecting this right is not shown by its actions. People are turned back from government hospitals because there is no medication and this has been going on for quite some time now.

What is government saying to the Constitution when it allows such to continue for such a long time? What is it saying to the Constitution which calls all of us to protect and guard the right to life? Government must come to the party and treat this matter with the seriousness it deserves.

A majority of emaSwati are suffering because of this issue. I hope and pray that our government will act promptly and deal with this matter instead of letting it continue unabated. Enough is enough bekunene, people are suffering out there.

V Kunene  

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