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Life is a journey with many valleys to pass through, many rivers to cross and many mountains to climb. It is deceptive to think we can make it on our own. Wisdom demands that we must work diligently at building successful relationships. Friendships are important in life and should not be taken for granted.

When we recognise and embrace our own self-worth and the self-worth of others, we can build meaningful relationships. Relationships demand that we forgive and overlook the failings of others.
Many relationships have been damaged because people have been using hatchets to remove undesirable flies from each other’s foreheads.


Successful relationships are built and based on natural trust and respect.
So many people are hurting and lonely. They have no one to open up to with their issues in life. Every human being needs someone they can be open with about their secrets. This is what real life and friends is all about.

A German poet, Goethe, once said; “The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities, but to know someone who thinks and feels with me, and who though distant, is close to me in spirit, this makes the earth for me an inhabited garden.”
If you really want to know who your real friends are, just make a mistake; or just succeed.

Very few people have the natural strength to honor and celebrate a friend’s success without envy, or even handle a friend’s mistakes and failures.
A real friend has the ability to handle both your successes and failures. It takes maturity to be a good friend.


Many good relationships have been destroyed by immature behaviour and attitudes. When we all begin to outgrow our emotional and intellectual immaturity, the world will become better in terms of relationships. We must learn to accept human differences, imperfections and limitations in order to make relationships work. A real mature friend is one who actually knows you as you are, understands your past, yet accepts you, and wisely stretches you to grow.

When you treat others right, even when they do not deserve it, it will change their attitude and perspective. We must cultivate the qualities that enhance relationships. Always refuse to put others down. Real friends appreciate each other, and always refuse to take advantage of the other.
A forgiving attitude or heart is a key ingredient found in solid, strong relationships.

Most emotional problems and stress related issues are a result of unresolved conflicts in relationships.
If you find it difficult to forgive, you have a distorted self image, you are not real. Forgiveness is the oil that keeps the engine of relationships running without unnecessary friction.


Great character in relationships demands that we walk in forgiveness towards each other. Real friends forgive each other.
In life we are either going to see people as allies or adversaries. If we see people as allies, we will maximise every relationship God brings into our lives at every level of existence. We must not look at those around us as competitors, or as enemies, but as part of our success and advancement in life.


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