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Regarding the letter (Ignorance is no excuse) published in this publication on Thursday, May 16, I congratulate Mr Khaqan on his refreshing and well-balanced approach to Islamic ethnocentrism in Eswatini. I also offer an answer to the question posed by Khaqan; “Have Muslims worked to change the culture and traditions of the land?” As recently as March 13, a story was published in this publication regarding Muslim sexual abuse allegations. On April 12, another story was published regarding Asians dwelling in Eswatini. As I see it, there are three major transformations happening within the Kingdom of Eswatini and these transformations could have profound implications on our culture, way of life and perhaps more importantly, our future.

Grooming: Grooming is the predatory act of manoeuvring another individual into a position that makes them more isolated, dependant, likely to trust, and more vulnerable to abuse. This exploitation of vulnerable young women is not only confined to Eswatini but is a well-established fact in all European countries where Muslim men, especially young Pakistanis, have been granted shelter. Until recently liberal PC attitudes meant that the problem was swept under the carpet, but not anymore!

Laundry: Almost every spare section of ground in Matsapha is or has been earmarked for a used car lot. Groups of young Asian men control these car lots and employ young emaSwati males for menial tasks like washing cars and sweeping the areas. Are we truly to believe these used car enterprises are so profitable they can employ not only Asians but emaSwati also? Or, is it feasible to suspect the cash that passes through these places is being washed as cleanly as the cars!

Shifting demographics: Most countries in the Western world have long stopped breeding large families of three or more children. The same might be said of many countries in Africa. As education and communication advance, young men and women of Africa are now conscious of the benefits a good career brings along with a comfortable lifestyle. Yet maintaining a steady indigenous population requires a constant birth rate, if this birth rate is critically affected by social and modern demands is it fair to say, a constant flow of Asian immigrants could one day smother our natural demographics and our culture?

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