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Men are not wired to be hunted or pursued. They love being the predator. You must also agree with me that if a man is a hunter, he does not really need a reason to go into the bush. So, all that talk about a man going hunting because his wife does not know how to apply make-up does not hold water. Or haven’t we seen men married to beautiful queens straying? Imagine a medical doctor on the day he needs to take permission from his wife to go on call. “Honey that was the hospital again. The way things are going, I just may quit this job. How can I be on call this weekend? Why are they behaving like this?”


At this point the unsuspecting wife tries to cool him down, that it’s just one weekend and she understands the demand of his job, and that she will be there when he returns, and will support him to the peak of his career. She kisses him and sees him off to the car. Off he goes to his fine-girl-no-pimples. She has a long list of complaints and he has all the right prescription. By the time the girlfriend sends him home on Monday, he will be so used and the ‘thing’ will not be able to rise to the occasion. And that’s when the doctor will pour another bowl of invectives on the heartless hospital authorities. May God forgive the sins of doctors; some doctors, not all of them.


Honourable Zitha is a successful politician, whatever that means. He has been around for so long that he is now a godfather. His wife is used to his long days and even longer nights. She has come to accept the meetings, the endless entertainments and smiling until her make-up cracks even when all she wanted to do was crack the head of her husband. She also knows that he goes hunting sometimes and that some women in the party also hunted him down once in a while. But what she didn’t know was that there was a regular one he has installed in a cozy corner of town. She is the one who takes him to cloud nine when political heat threatens to consume him. One night Zitha told his wife he was going for a caucus meeting.


She believed him or pretended to. He went to his meeting and two hours later his wife called the chairman in whose house the meeting was supposed to be taking place to speak to her husband urgently. The chairman quickly put two and two and told the madam that her husband went to the toilet and he would call her. The chairman then called his friend and advised him to ‘postpone the meeting’ he was having in the girlfriend’s house. Luckily he did and went home in time before madam could send out a search party.

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