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The results are out and congratulations to those who have made it. Those who passed are happily enjoying the fruits of their hard work. They are moving up and down, giggling with their parents or guardians, looking for places in tertiary institutions. What about those who failed? I can see tears dripping down their cheeks in despair. They feel they are useless and hopeless. To them it’s like the world is turning around them. It is as if everybody is laughing at them. No, get up, get over it and get going. Be encouraged, dry up those tears from your cheeks. Just try again, akulahlwa mbeleko ngekufelwa. Use that failure as a springboard to success. I know it’s not easy at first.

It is what you do after you get back up that is important. Figure out what to do so that you don’t continue falling down. Failure is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Every failure is an opportunity to take the right action and begin again. Make failure a step to success. Failure is not the enemy but it should be treated as a fertiliser. Learn to embrace it and then move on. Change your response to failure by accepting responsibility. Know that every failure is an opportunity to take the right action and begin again. Say goodbye to yesterday.


Don’t be held hostage by your past. It is important that you put your failure behind and move on. Finalise your goal because a goal shapes your plan, the plan shapes your action and your action achieves your results. Avoid procrastination, start doing what is necessary now, then do what is possible and suddenly you will find yourself doing the impossible. Be determined to let go of the ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ attitude. This is a satanic delay tactic. As I conclude, don’t forget that your hair shall grow again. Though you have fallen, you shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord your God upholds you with His hand. Wait on God and turn that tear to triumph! With God all things are possible. Put the devil to shame; stop the tears now! Victory belongs to the most persevering.

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