Home | Letters | ‘CURSES OF BLOOD MONEY’


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I have often watched Nigerian Movies, but in as much as they are just  movies, they carry some resemblance of truth in them.

I have watched how people could hate and kill just for the sake of money which at the end of the day they will leave behind for someone who never worked for it to spend willy-nilly.
Money as the holy book states, can be an answer to a majority of our daily problems, but the honest truth is that it never brings happiness at all.

I have noticed how it can divide families which have been a tight unit. I have noticed how a once peaceful country can be torn apart due to this monster called money.
I am touching today on the above topic because I have seen how our country has been divided all in the name of money.

Those who are rich want to be richer and even go to the extent of selling out their relatives because of money. We have witnessed the brutal killings of our brothers and sisters living with albinism just for the sake of money.
Witch doctors have had a hand in fooling our fellow citizens that human body parts can generate money. I beg to differ in this regard.

listen to the poor
Today, I have a sister-in-law who doesn’t greet me because she thinks she is better than me now that she has money and I am poor. What a shame! That’s what money does to stupid people. At this point, may I state that in our very own country we can’t move forward because of money? Our government has redirected money to vanity projects which have only benefitted a few; if you are poor in this country, then you are as good as not existing even if you can have very valid strategies that can surely develop this country, no one will listen to you. Evident to this is when we make our submissions at Sibaya; no one ever actions on the submissions because they are from the oppressed and poor.

But if the rich are convened at some convention centre, no matter how few they are, just because they are rich and have got money, they can effect great change in the country. The rich are always listened to.
This is very painful indeed. The country has experienced a downward spiralling because the elite of this country have never listened to the voice of reason from the poor.

money causes evIl

As we start the new year, I don’t know the number of graduates who are roaming the streets looking for employment.
If our graduates regardless of the qualifications they hold, if they don’t have money to bribe their way into employment then they are doomed.
Those are the effects of money. I then ask myself as to where is our country going to?

It seem even our leaders no longer have the guts to talk about this evil caused by money, but have now taken a backseat and allude to the adage that ‘atilime tiye etjeni’  money has really caused a serious division in this country.
Even when you first meet a person whether male or female and he or she asks you what you do for a living or if you are employed, it’s all about wanting to see as to whether you are worthy of respect and how you can be accorded respect or not.
If you do not have money then you are considered as a nobody.

The curse that money brings to this country is very great. The projects that were undertaken by the previous government were the last nail on the coffin as resources were redirected to these vanity projects.

country cursed

We all need money but let us get it through the right way not through these unscrupulous means. Here we are talking about emaSwati who have parted with lots of money in trying to get jobs and unfortunately some people have the audacity to swindle them without any remorse.
It is very painful how one senior prince, who is a soldier and chief, swindled a poor petrol attendant his last money in promise of a job in the army, something which never happened, and today the poor attendant is wallowing in abject poverty and the prince is living large.

All this is done in the name of money and the end result is a curse on the whole country. I have noticed even how churches are into money these days and needless to say that in as much as money is a commodity needed by everyone, let us be careful not to bring on us an irreversible curse because of the ways we are desperate for money.

By: Khokhumncadvo  Dlamini
Ka- Zondwako (Ebutsini) 76481668

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