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Living along the riverbank, this boasts of fertile land, with successful harvest every year. The harvest of fruit and vegetables from this land cannot compare to those grown away from the riverbank. They felt like they had reached their destination, everything they needed was at their disposal. Their animals had plenty grazing land and their next generations could have space due to the abundance of land.

Someone is already questioning the relevance of the first paragraph, wondering what exactly I am talking about. Now let’s take a trip down the eternal clock, when the children of Israel were living on the banks of river Jordan, preparing to cross over to the Promised Land (land of plenty). There was something strange about the land along the riverbank of Jordan, it had all the qualities of being fertile and also had clean running water just a few metres away.

Then one would ask; should they have permanently taken possession of that land and not proceed to the Promised Land? Their obedience to God was more important than their comfort zone (Jordan riverbank). The children of Israel needed to leave their comfort zone in order to physically receive the land promised to them by God. Getting to their promised land and moving out of their comfort zone was never easy. They needed to cross river Jordan, and also conquer the Canaanites to have access to their promised land.

The comfort zone will always let you know you are not there yet; it’s a state of mind that will require you to want to move to the next level. So I guess already something within the children of Israel’s spirits was continually telling them that even though everything looked perfect where they were but they were not there yet. They had to gear up for war with the Canaanites, even though this placed them at a disadvantage of either being enslaved again or suffer extinction at the hand of the Canaanites.

Now, have a moment of reflection on your life, think about the aforementioned parable and ask yourself: are you where you are supposed to be? Is your comfort zone the exact position you were created to remain for the rest of your life? For a long time we have settled for what we were not born for because we feel comfortable in what we are doing.

We have settled for abusive and horrible relationships because we feel comfortable in them. Some of us have settled for businesses that cannot bring out the best in us because we feel comfortable in those businesses. Some have let ideas that could bring change to the masses die within themselves because they were comfortable with what they were doing and their location at that particular time.

How many times have we failed, not because we are incapable but because we have also remained in our comfort zone and not persevered further to where God had called us to be. As one ponders on the subject, remember the children of Israel actually stepped out of their comfort zone and went on to conquer Canaan.
Siphiwo Jeshurun Lushaba

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