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Employees of various government departments have been threatening to strike while others even did which led to members of the public not getting the much needed service delivery. Right now civil servants are also unhappy due to the decision by government to offer them a zero per cent salary increment.

I do not need to waste time talking about how they will react because it is something that everybody knows as it has happened in the past. What all this means is that there is no money in the country yet at the same time all employees need to be given reasonable salaries so that they can make ends meet.

It is funny that government expects them to accept the offer and take into consideration the country’s prevailing financial situation. How do you expect someone to accept nothing when they are struggling and have no food on the table?

It is not fair that while life becomes expensive with prices going up each and every day no one cares about the poor salaries that are earned by most employees, especially in parastatals and government.

How can you give people hope and then not deliver? The fact that government gave a slight hint that they would be given something makes me believe that the money might have been available at the time but was then used for other things. So does it mean that the welfare of civil servants is not a priority for government? If the answer is yes, then how do you expect any improvement in terms of service delivery?

This tendency of using available funds on projects that they were not intended for needs to stop soon because one day it is going to put the country in trouble. To Cabinet, please do something about the civil servants issue because it won’t be nice when they take to the streets. It is easy, just give them what they want!

Siko Macwele

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