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Africa is a rich continent but only relies on help from other continents to help develop her. Even though developments occur, it isn’t in as much as it should be. So why can’t she use her own, skill her own, whom in turn will develop her in the way in which she should be. Why can’t she also create her own capital to develop herself and her people so she can transform into what she is worthy of.

To begin with, one of Africa’s major problems, from my point of view, is lack of quality education.
For now, many countries have implemented free basic education for all, but it isn’t enough as many of them are not able to get at least high school education due to that their families can’t afford the high amount of fees, thus they end up wasted. One thing I’d implement is quality education for all, both basic and high school education.

The education system implemented wouldn’t only test the leaders academically, it would also test their skills and creativity as we are all gifted in different ways.  In this way, they would gain more skills at an early age such that the open minded would start their own successful enterprises without the need of tertiary education. This would lead to an improved standard of living, which would ultimately improve the infrastructure, as the surroundings would have to be changed to meet and suit their standard of living. 

Africa is the richest continent in terms of resources, but most of her resources are still remaining idle in the ground since there is no one ready to use them.  Now this is to say, the development of Africa will not be much faster if it is every country for itself, but it can be much faster if countries come together as one and help each other.  Given the chance, I’d unite all of the countries of Africa so that they come together to help each other.

You can agree with me that there are some countries in Africa that are rich economically and some are rich when it comes to resources, and some are rich when it comes to agriculture.  So in my opinion as a leader, if the richer countries can fund the countries that are rich in terms of resources to set up mines, there wouldn’t be any need to set up markets since they are already there.

In that case, Africa’s own would be employed, especially some of the experts that have just retired from all the necessary departments to bring the mines to action, hiring experts would just be a way of minimising risks. The graduates would also be hired to reduce the rate of unemployment in Africa as many of them are unemployed.

Some of Africa’s wealthy figures, of the likes of billionaire Strive Masiyiwa, would invest in such land developments as they would understand that they are not doing it to eventually benefit from the development, but it’s a benefit for their children, grandchildren and so on, but fact still remains that these developments would have to solely belong to the states of Africa to benefit Africans.

Concerned citizen

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