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So many of us have found ourselves getting into different careers we do not enjoy and love. Some were forced to get into certain careers at university level or college level because that particular course had sponsorship provided for it.

Many people find themselves dragging their own bodies to work not because they enjoy what they are doing but because it places food on the table at the end of the month. So many chefs have found themselves in police camps carrying guns, so many bank tellers are in solder camps manning our borders. So many doctors are carrying shovels building our houses, so many pilots are in banks digitally looking after different accounts and managing money.

Then one would be asking themselves if they really chose the right career or maybe they chose what their mothers or fathers thought best for them. Some were even made to get into certain careers by their high school teachers from a pure heart and thought.

Have you asked yourself why you hate going to your workplace after working for so many years when you should now be an expert in your field. Have you asked yourself why that junior personnel who always nags about the work never actually gets to know how to perfectly do the job and is never getting to perfect the art of the job.


Have you ever wondered why those people who are always lazy in the job are always passing out the feeling to you that they are but passing through that particular job?

Have you wondered why we are always being introduced to different courses and workshops in our different careers? Is it driven by the fact that we are seeking to be given money at the end of the month or it’s out of love of what we are doing?

Will this drive for money be able to propel us to many years of perfecting our art in that particular field and subsequently becoming experts in our particular fields?

Will the drive for money be able to give us a push every morning to wake up pick ourselves up with a smile and get ready for that particular day of work?
Ask me and I will tell you that I have seen people working for the course that benefits masses at the sake of the own financial stability, people who had all the qualities of making it big in their different industries but had an element of self-lessness but ended up being very successfull in their fields. People who woke up every day with the intention of making a difference to each and every life they came across on a daily bases.

People who were never only satisfied by their pay cheque but went beyond their pay to touch the hearts of their clients daily.
They work self-less until they are rewarded with a reward beyond that a human being could imagine, love,being appreciated and happiness. Our generation has seen such people in the likes of Nelson Mandela and President Barack Obama, whom before his senate seat worked with the elderly for improving their lives and later on became President in the US. Our societies are still yearning for such people who will have the interests of the people in their hearts with no extra expectation from them but their commitment and their stories.

Siphiwo Jeshurun Lushaba

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