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Life, Christian life, is about being spiritual and having God at your centre and being wired by the Holy Spirit. Life is a battleground, be alert. We are not fighting against humans but against powers and spiritual forces of evil. Put on the armour of God so you can take a stand against the devil’s schemes.

The things of the world seem attractive and exposure to them in any way using your senses will influence the way you think, speak, act and live. They lure you to open your eyes to the things of the world. By doing so you are calling the devil ‘father’ or ‘friend’, you are pleasing the devil and are connecting yourself to him as you open your life to his evil spirits, which he will wire you with and control you.

Do not be double-minded, thinking you can say you are a Christian, while connecting yourself to the devil. By which spirit do you want to be ruled or controlled by – the Holy Spirit or the devil’s evil spirits?

You cannot be praising God with your lips and yet be swearing, you cannot pray to God in your heart, open your heart to Him and yet open your heart to evil desires, you cannot be meditating on the Word of God in your mind but still have immoral, impure thoughts. You cannot be reading God’s Word with your eyes and yet watching pornography with those same eyes. The devil is your enemy and given the chance he will attack and drag you down with him. Close your eyes to the things of the world; put to death the things of the flesh.

If you partake in attractive sinful things of this world, you will be accepted by the world and yet waste away spiritually as the devil connects you more and more and you end up being a house of evil spirits where the devil controls you. If you give the devil and his evil spirits an opportunity, one may come in and invite more into your life and the devil will control every part of your life. You will harden your heart to God and continue to indulge in every kind of impurity and lust. You will find yourself chained by sin, doing what you don’t want to do and living a life with no peace.

Just as much as God has a plan for your life, the devil also has a plan for your life and he will use earthly pleasures to entice you so that the plan to kill, steal, destroy is fulfilled, and overthrow your position with God. Do not be side-tracked, as you walk through life, do not look left/right because you will be influenced by worldly things.

If you gratify the sinful desires of your flesh and be one with the world, the devil will connect you to himself, and as you become the indwelling of evil spirits, you will exhibit the fruits of the sinful nature: sexual immorality and impurity, hatred, jealousy, selfish ambition, drunkenness, greed, lust and evil desires. 

Include God in all you do. Do not for once believe the worldly doctrine that says ‘it is your life’ and you can handle making decisions on your own as you please. With any gap between you and God, the devil will attack because he is always prowling around looking for someone to devour. As you walk through the earth, do not forget who you are and why you are here.

Nompumelelo S

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