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Mr Editor, let me express my pain and displeasure for the corporal ill-treatment of my child on Wednesday June 11, 2018 by a teacher at one of the high schools under the Mhlosheni branch. My child came home with bloody stripes from the beating he received in the afternoon of that fateful day. Why? The reason that was given was that a certain bully child disrespected this male teacher, who then charged the whole Form II class and viciously whipped all of the children.

disrespectful words

So I am asking myself if the teacher’s actions of whipping the children for the sins of one disrespectful child were justified. Secondly, were the learners at fault for not divulging to the teacher the culprit who shouted disrespectful words of defiance to his orders even when he asked them who it was? Thirdly, what was going to happen after school to any of the children who could have dared to disclose the perpetrator? Fourthly, were the children not between a rock and a hard place?

shouted disrespectful

Fifthly, when the teacher accused and beat all the children in the classroom was it because he was convinced that they all shouted disrespectful words and in defiance or else he knew that the shouting was from one pupil. Why then did he beat everyone and why are our children used as punching bags? Lastly, is there anyone who cares to protect them? It has come to our attention as parents that in this school, the rod has become the ruling tool, and we as parents are afraid to talk openly because we fear that our children could be victimised. It is said there are four of the teachers who usually line-up and whip our children. I wonder if this is the way to go. Moreover, let us hope that the Ministry of Education and Training did not give them special permission to continue administering corporal punishment. Maybe because it is one of the Christian schools, it might have certain privileges which other schools do not enjoy. Having voiced my concern, that does not necessarily mean I don’t believe in discipline. I do but I disapprove of the way it is instilled in some schools.

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