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If we do not stop our minds because we have been accustomed to just permitting our thoughts to be all over the place I have found that initially when you start to follow what I now follow, you find that your mind focuses on all that is negative.

Fear, being the most detrimental to our health, is what prevents us from progressing. We have to awaken to the reality that everything in life is a journey.

We cannot solve all our hurdles in one day. Instead of focusing on what can go wrong, focus on all the wonderful things that can go right. Feel that sense of achievement bearing in mind that every aspect of every hurdle we encounter is there for us to learn something; become an observer of your thoughts.

As long as we walk about thinking that others have an obligation to help us and that we are where we are as result of this or that is a myth. We have to acknowledge that we are where we are through our choices. Either we chose to trust that person or we failed to take sufficient action to achieve our goal.  We have to learn to seek alternative solutions to overcome our hurdles. We have to give 110 per cent if we want to achieve anything. Anything less will not get us what we want.

Many are in denial be it about their weight or about their financial position. If we continue to eat what we know will make us fat and is unhealthy without doing more physically to ensure we burn off all those excess calories, we will most definitely put on weight. To lose weight we have to do more physically.  Purchasing those slimming remedies is just a money-making scam. There is no scientific proof that those lose weight tablets work. If you note, they all come with a diet which restricts one’s intake of food, drinks etc. That is what makes one lose weight, not the tablets.

Walking with baggage from our past weighs us down; it is time to make space for new experiences. How can one expect the best when one is subjecting themselves to the worst? Therefore it is best to forgive.

Want a promotion, work harder and be dedicated. Stop doing things slap dash and get involved. Love what you do. Denial that another should not have received the promotion and you were worthy of same is just an excuse. If you did not get it then it means you have to learn. Treat all clients as if you own the business, go the extra mile. When you drag yourself about you emit negative vibrations which everybody picks up.

Stop focusing on how much you do not have and start being grateful for how much you have and can do. Six million people worldwide do not have a roof over their heads, cannot choose their clothes as they have only the clothes on their back.

Stop comparing, for always there will be greater and lesser people than yourself. There will always be someone prettier, richer, slimmer, taller, fatter, wealthier, etc but no one can ever be you.

J Antonio

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