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As a young man living in today’s Eswatini society, I have been struggling with the definition of what is a real man. In this society you are a real man when you have a love network of more than one woman; is that not mediocrity?

You are a real man when you bully others and when you become an angry lion and monster in your family. You are a real man when your children run away when you return home. You are a real man when you publicly shout at your woman and treat her like a child. Isn’t that mediocrity? 

We live in a world where some males abuse their women just to satisfy their egos. One even boasts that a woman does not tell him what to do because he is a man. You call yourself a man but you fail to provide for your family. Today we call ourselves real men just to massage our bruised egos. Society says ‘a man does not cry’. Are they immune to challenges?

That’s why some men are monsters.
A real man respects everyone; he finds no value in tearing down other people. He realises that God is not glorified by tearing others down. A real man builds up those closest to him, through empowerment and motivation.

Stop nagging about your wife among your friends but compliment her while among others. A real man makes it a habit to honor and build his wife and family. A real man never leads women on. If you are after sex and not a meaningful relationship, you are a coward. A real man respects the dignity of women, does not see them as objects to be used to fulfill their selfish desires. A real man has self-control and this means that he is not controlled by emotions and others. Self-control breeds life with no regrets and more stability, thus a real man values self-control.

In conclusion, a real man knows that fearing the Lord is wisdom, thus he is guided by principles and the Word of God is his map where he gets direction. I dream of a society where a real man would be defined by the ability to hold high moral values, love for family, provider, caring, humbleness and have respect for everyone.


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