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We live in days of rampant children’s rights. In some countries it is illegal to spank your children or disciplining them by sending them to bed or depriving them of TV.

In other countries, children can divorce their parents and move on to those who will not be demanding. As one wise man observed; “The thing that impresses about the world today is the way parents obey their children.”
This widespread disregard for parental authority over their children has led to a disregard, even in Christian circles, of keeping the Fifth Commandment.

The Bible says; “Honor your father and mother.” Apostle Paul says; “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth,” Eph. 6:3. The Book of Proverbs says; “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching; indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head, and ornaments about your neck,” Prov. 1:8-9.

The fifth command is foundational to keeping all the other commands that follow. If we truly honor our parents, we will not disgrace them by becoming murderers, by being unfaithful to our marriage vows, by stealing, by lying or by the greed and discontent underlying covetousness. If we are rebellious and disrespectful toward our parents, who gave us life and sustenance, we will also probably be rebellious and disrespectful toward God, our creator and sustainer. Disrespect toward parents and God will also carry over into disrespect for all authority.

The command to honor our parents is life-long. So the command applies to all of us whose parents are still alive. We need to have an attitude of respect for our parents that stems from the fact that we greatly value them and the contribution they’ve made to our lives.
As parents grow older, it is the duty of the children to honor them by caring for them “for this is acceptable in the sight of God.”  If we do not provide for our own families, we have denied the faith and are worse than unbelievers (1Tim. 5:4, 8).

When the Bible gives the command to children to honor and obey their parents, it immediately balances it by commanding the parents (especially fathers) not to provoke their children to anger, but to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). Children must honor their parents whether the parents deserve it or not. But, even so, parents must not neglect God’s commands to raise their children in His ways. Parents should be examples of godliness in their homes.

Children listen to our lives much more than to our lectures. If we preach Christianity but practice hypocrisy, they will not be inclined to honor either us or the Lord Jesus Christ.

If we have difficult, unbelieving parents, we must ask God for wisdom in how best to obey and honor them. We need to thank God for giving us these parents, forgive them and remove all bitterness towards them. Remember, we are to give thanks to the Father for all things.

Dear beloved, if we dishonor our parents, we will reap dishonor ourselves. Wherever you’re at in life, I ask; “Are you keeping the Fifth Commandment?” If you are, it will go well with you and you will be blessed by God. It is the first commandment with a promise.
By obeying and honoring our parents, we are following the example of Jesus himself, who, although He was God in human flesh, ‘continued in subjection’ to His earthly parents. Let us do likewise.

Bopoto Gwinyai
(7663 8191)

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