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Almost two years ago the country, and many other countries for that matter, experienced a drought that was never seen in many years.

And as a result of the scarcity of water which came with the drought that hit the kingdom, residents of Mbabane and surrounding areas were subjected to water rationing something they were not familiar with.

And I would like to believe that none of us would want to go through that experience ever again. We appreciated the efforts of all relevant stakeholders for coming up with ways to alleviate the situation.

The Swaziland Water Services Corporation found itself having to run helter-skelter trying to find sources of water to alleviate the inconvenience that was being experienced by the residents.

That is an effort which I should mention was appreciated. These days most areas in the country are experiencing a fairly large amount of rainfall and because of this my main concern now is what is the parastatal doing to enhance its water conservation initiatives, if any, as a result of the recent rains.

I am of the view that we should be informed about this so that we may be at ease as what happened in 2016 was no laughing matter.
Maybe this is too much to suggest but the corporation should periodically inform us about the steps it is taking in as far as water conservation is concerned.
It should be a step ahead in taking advantage of the rain. It has been mentioned that weather patterns will frequently be unpredictable therefore it goes without saying that they should be at the forefront of improving their water conservation methods.

As an entity for the people it should be informing us to put us at ease on what is being done because water rationing is not an alternative we would like to experience again.

Samson Shabalala 

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