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Please allow me to submit my suggestions and proposal over what is prevailing in the ANC political division. There is democratically no need for a political squabble in settling this issue.

Allow President Jacob Zuma to run the ANC and the country’s president status until the 2019 national elections date, which is when he should vacate and there be a caretaker administration and its government managed by the ANC.

President Zuma should also be allowed to campaign for the ANC government. It is then (if the ANC wins) the ANC president should democratically take over the ANC and the country’s presidential power.

Suppose he resigns, constitutionally who will appoint Ramaphosa to be the country’s president?
The reason I say that is because the Constitution does not provide that the president can resign and his vice appointed president, presumably by the same resigned or fired president.

Let the ANC continue with its level-headed democratic approach, to please the EFF, DA and others. I have not heard anyone from the ANC quoting the constitutional section of the party stating that once anyone who is a member of the ANC wins the party elections, he or she will automatically become both State president and party president.

If that constitutional provision is there, I do not think President Zuma would be resisting leaving office, but if the Constitution of the ANC provides that if the winner of the ANC presidential elections automatically becomes the State president, then President Zuma must vacate the office, not through him or some individuals’ feelings but through constitutional requirements.

The ANC did a wonderful job during the vote of confidence, but what it is doing now is exactly what other parties wanted during that vote of no confidence.

I have heard in SABC TV news that some ANC supporters referred to Mbheki’s era. I am surprised that some people can easily forget what necessitated that action.

Please go back to the political drawing board; you will notice exactly what transpired at that time, which would enable the ANC not to contradict itself.

Mgabhi Dlamini

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