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Thank you for allowing me space in your newspaper to share my views with the Swazi nation.

My decision to write this letter comes after the recent events including the brutal killing of businessman Victor Gamedze.
Obviously the whole nation is mourning because we have lost a hero.

Gamedze was an individual with bright ideas and I am sure that had he lived for more years thousands of people would have benefitted from his contribution.
Firstly, let me point it out that we have had cases before of brutal killings and kidnappings and up until today we are still asking question about some of them. I will not mention names because that is not what my letter is about.
With Victor’s killing, we have seen the police doing all in their power to conduct the best investigation.

Coupled with social media stories and people coming out to share what they know, it is clear that something serous is being done to get to the bottom of the case.
I do hope that the one who committed the crime will eventually be caught and this will make the people of this country have trust and confidence in the police.
It is a fact that at times some people do not even bother to report because they have the assumption that nothing will be done.

Also, taking criminal matters serious will also serve as a warning to foreigners who come to this country thinking that they will do their dirty acts willy-nilly without being caught.
Even though some may not take it serious, the issue of drugs is becoming a problem in our country with many foreigners caught with different types especially cocaine.
Why are we having many foreign individuals entering with cocaine and other drugs at our border posts especially Ngwenya?

Is it because our country is known to be peaceful therefore criminals thinks it is the best place to do their shad dealings? Or are they actually having local people involved as well?
These are questions that we need to ask ourselves before things get worse. Let us not allow our country’s image to be destroyed like this.
The time has come for all of us to stand up and make or country a crime-free zone. Those who have information should work with the police by reporting on time. The police should also take serious everything that is reported to them.
Ever reported case should be taken serious and investigations should be done to determine every truth.


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