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As the country pushes to attain First World status, I have a few concerns which I would like to share in your widely read newspaper.

Having lived for more than three decades in this world I have noted many things which I feel are a serious challenge in the country’s fight to reach First World status.
Firstly, let me mention that most citizens have the problem of greed and jealousy which affects progress.

While government tries its level best to assist communities in their development projects, there comes obstacles which derail all those efforts and this is partly caused by the greedy people.

If you take a drive around most of the rural areas you will notice hundreds of structures lying idle and when you ask what they used to be you will discover that some of them used to be supermarkets or warehouses.
When you dig deeper about why they closed down or stopped operating you won’t get clear reasons but most of them would be related to infighting between the community committees that were given the task of overseeing them.
It is funny how most Swazis then complain that foreigners take their businesses but they forget that it is because they do not support themselves.

 Instead of Swazis supporting their fellow countrymen when they start small businesses they become jealous.
Some go to the extent of making sure that their fellow countrymen do not get the funds needed to keep those businesses going.
As Swazis, we have a sickness of not wanting to support one another and if we continue like this then we must forget about reaching First World Status.

Proud Swazi

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